Swim Training - Sunday afternoons

Swim training is at Lord Butler Leisure Centre from 3.00-5.00pm, these sessions are run as  an addition to our usual Saturday training at Carver Barracks and hence children are able to run, bike and swim every week as follows:

Groups S ,1 & 2      3.00pm - 4.00pm
Groups F and C:     4.00pm - 5.00pm

Capacity in the 2-hour slot is limited and these sessions are currently full. It is crucial that the children are reasonably competent swimmers because we do not have the time/pool space to teach children to swim. Children must be prepared to commit to the whole term.  We cannot take children on an ad hoc basis.  We also request that all members continue with swim lessons elsewhere.

Remaining Autumn 2023 Term dates for Sunday Swimming as follows. Please note that these MAY NOT line up with Saturday morning training:


26th November

3rd December

10th December

17th December

Spring 2024 dates as follows (again, these may not line up with Saturday morning training):

14th January

21st January

28th January

4th February

11th February

18th February - NO TRAINING - HALF TERM

25th February

3rd March

10th March

17th March

24th March

31st March

We have to levy an additional charge for the swimming session as we must cover the hire of the pool and lifeguard fees. The charge equates to £4 per session and is in addition to the termly fee for the Saturday run/bike sessions at Carver Barracks. Invoicing will be made in the same way as Saturday session fees, by PayPal.

If you would like your child to be added to the waiting list for the swim sessions, please email our Membership Secretary Erica Redfern.  When a place becomes available, you will be contacted and your child invited in for a trial session.