Club Championships - Junior
These Club Championships are new for 2018 and are open to all club members in the Junior age categoy. Club Championship trophies are presented to the top 3 boy and girl at the Club's Awards Evening usually held in November.
In 2018 members can earn points at any of 10 races listed below. The best 4 scores count with a maximum of 40,000 race points earned this way.
Race Points are awarded based on the overall gender winning time. The formula is:
(Competitor time ÷ Winning time) × 10000
There are 5 bonus races shown below which are chosen to promote competition between our club members at these events with 500 bonus points awarded from attending 3 out of the 5 races.The maximum bonus points which can be earned is 1,500.
In addition, to encourage participation in the Eastern Region Relay Champs a futher 500 bonus points will be awarded for just taking part in a team.
You can find out much more information about each race by clicking on the race name.